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From the Physio Room – Latest

Posted: November 21, 2019
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From the Physio Room – Latest

Welcome to the November update from the Physio Department.

First on the list and possibly for the last time is Kyle Moyle. Kyle is back up and running in all training as from next week. He has put in a great shift in rehab, and never one to shy away from a challenge we have a video of him running down and catching one of our other wingers. He has upped the contact content to a point where we are happy to release him into full training, as with all these long term injuries we like to see them train fully for at least three weeks before making them available. The reality is we will be seeing him very soon.

Next up is John Stevens, who is healing well from the fracture to his face. Effectively it’s a waiting game. John will be available six weeks post-surgery and not before time as he is seriously depleting the Physio Room coffee stock. The good news is that he is training well with fitness and weights.

Antonio Kiri Kiri is back in training and is going well. As previously mentioned, we have to ensure that he is safe to play, which means extended training without game play. It’s so far so good with no issues – expect to see him in the Cup games.

Marlen Walker sustained a knee ligament injury against the Falcons but is back on his feet and working diligently. He has been helping with lineout lifting this week for another injured player, as well as his favourite pastime (running). We currently expect him to be back in December, possibly for the second Cup game.

Next up is the unfortunate Matt Bolwell who unfortunately sustained a dislocation of a shoulder against Nottingham. Matt has already had surgery with the country’s top shoulder surgeon, and he has already started his rehabilitation. He will have a check X-ray at 3 weeks post-surgery which will provide the information we need to then further his rehabilitation.

Nicolas De Battista, as we already know, had a complex ligament rupture in his wrist. Nico is approaching the six-week point at which time he will have a surgical review. This will give us the next stage of his rehabilitation.

Unfortunately, one of our new boys, Shae Tucker, has fractured a finger playing for Redruth. He will have an opinion from a surgeon this week – more information to follow.

Last one on the list is Cian Romaine, about whom we have some great news. After a long lay off with a medical issue he is finally lacing up his boots and could be playing for Redruth this coming weekend. Cian has made fantastic progress in the last couple of weeks and deserves not just well-earned praise but also an injury free run. He too is likely to be involved in the Cup games.

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