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Generous Support for Cornwall Samaritans

Posted: January 2, 2019
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Generous Support for Cornwall Samaritans

When the Cornish Pirates recently played London Scottish at home, a match day collection was held in support of Cornwall Samaritans.

In total the excellent sum of £900.36 was raised, which was so greatly appreciated by the charity’s representatives. Fundraising and listening volunteer Carol Howarth commented:

Made to feel so very welcome by the Cornish Pirates, we were also overwhelmed by the generosity of the club’s brilliant supporters!

Cornwall Samaritans, based at Truro, are presently undergoing a major fundraising appeal to raise £200,000 to complete their target of £625,000 to relocate to new premises, in order to be fully accessible and reach more people who require need across the county.

The number of suicides in Cornwall continues to be higher than the national average, and the instances of self-harm and attempted suicide continues to rise. So, it is vital to not only continue the charity’s work, but to increase it.

From their present building in Truro, Cornwall Samaritans respond to around 53,000 calls, texts, emails and face-to-face contacts annually, keeping the branch running almost 24/7 throughout the year. During August 2018 alone, they took 2699 calls, 425 texts and 430 emails. This is all thanks to their volunteers.

The Cornwall branch is an independent registered charity and totally self-funded, needing to raise over £50,000 a year to operate. Costs include outreach programmes within the community, phone and internet services, training and development of volunteers and supplies of literature and awareness material.

For further information please visit:


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