With Cornwall For Cornwall
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When the recent ‘Take Back the Night’ march took place in Penzance, which formed part of the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence campaign, Cornish ‘Pirate’ Tom Channon – who is always a great community ambassador – promptly responded to support the event.
People were invited to assemble at Wherrytown Skatepark from where they walked along the promenade to the Jubilee Pool pedestrian crossing, then up to Chapel Street Methodist Church, where a vigil was held on the forecourt.
The theme for 2021 is ‘Orange the World’, so some present wore orange and St. Michael’s Mount was also lit up in orange on the night, in support of the campaign, while a good number of men showed their support by marching in solidarity with women to End Violence against Women and Girls.
At the vigil, Women from West Cornwall Women’s Aid (WCWA) read out the names of all the women who have died at the hands of men this year – a sobering 129 up to the time of the event. The vigil also featured performance contributions, including contemporary dance, poetry and song, as well as an important piece, in which Tom participated, entitled ‘All Men’ – imploring all men to become upstanders not bystanders when it comes to harassment, violence, and objectification of women, because All Men are part of the solution.
All attending declared that it is a woman’s right to be able to walk anywhere, at any time, wearing whatever she chooses, without fear of being harassed, attacked, raped or murdered, so full credit to those who attended to show a united front against violence of any kind, in the belief that everyone has the right to feel safe and to be safe.
Indeed, by shining a light at the event, it will hopefully help in the effort to ‘Take Back the Night’ – and win the day.
More About the Event
The ‘Take Back the Night’ march came about and was organised by West Cornwall Women’s Aid together with Cornwall Councillor and Penzance Town Councillor Thalia Marrington, who recently got motions unanimously approved through both councils asking for a real focus to be taken on ending Violence against Women and Girls. A number of supporter organisations and individuals then stepped forward in staunch Penzance style to make sure this event got off the ground – Whole Again Communities, Street Food Project, Women’s Institute, Hypatia Trust, Big Dance Company, Sustainable Penzance and Fi Read.
Whole Again Communities served healthy hot leek and potato soup, teas, coffees and tasty flapjacks, with proceeds going towards West Cornwall Women’s Aid and the invaluable work they do in supporting women who have experienced, or are currently experiencing, domestic abuse of any form.
Providing information, a helpline, outreach, counselling, and refuge sanctuary for women and their children, early intervention, prevention and protection are key. Tel. 01736 367539 or contact via website www.wcwaid.co.uk