With Cornwall For Cornwall
Gans Kernow Rag Kernow
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As the two long time partners in the Stadium for Cornwall project we would like to update all interested parties on the current situation.
Primarily the progress on the site development is on track with the recently completed site investigation revealing no surprises and in fact the ground conditions are better than expected so there will be no extra foundation works such as piling to support the west stand. Obviously that means budgeted costs for earthworks below ground will not be exceeded.
In the meantime we have interviewed potential local consultants to undertake the final construction design and contractual drawings for Civil works, M & E design as well as quantity surveying consultants. Appointments will follow shortly.
We hope to have all key tender documents including contract drawings and Bills of Quantities ready by December when we will go out to tender to approved pre – qualified local contractors.
The final legalities in connection with the land handover are at a very advanced stage and we are looking to have ownership of the site from the original developer by the end of October.
The private sector finances are in place from the two key partners (Cornish Pirates/Truro & Penwith College) who can confirm that the £6 million is available going forward.
Originally this was due to be £4 million (£2 million each) but over the last few weeks there has been doubt raised about the other £2 million coming through Helical to Truro City Football Club and onto the stadium.
Consequently the original two partners have made arrangements to increase their contribution by at least £2 million to cover any possible shortfall arising from delays/non performance of Helical in assisting TCFC with their promised contribution.
We will obviously accommodate TCFC to play at the Stadium when it is completed. Should the money actually come through then that will be very helpful but the project success is not dependent on this money at any stage. This is important as we need to keep to the programme of works.
In addition the contribution from the Government is due to be confirmed in the budget and we are liaising with the powers that be and supplying all information required by them.
In summary we are fully on track to get the stadium funded and built as per programme by April 2020.
THE STADIUM PARTNERS ( Cornish Pirates & Truro & Penwith College)