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Training Commences!

Posted: June 8, 2018
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Training Commences!

For the Cornish Pirates, their preparation for the 2018/19 campaign commenced on Monday with the start of ‘Pre-season’.

The team and supporters will be looking forward to yet another exciting and encouraging rugby year, all based, as ever, on hard work and preparation.

Speaking with reference to this opening week, Strength & Conditioning coach Greg Sammons said:

This week is in part about squad members getting to know each other and to get acquainted with the systems we run, besides new ones being introduced.

There have been a couple of screening and testing days, and although players know what to expect pre-season we are incorporating just a few changes to make it challenging. It will also involve just the occasional curve ball being thrown in when they are not expecting it – to see how they react both individually and as a group.

At the same time, of course, this is period when it is important to make it enjoyable, as pre-season is a long old jaunt. Obviously getting the boys stronger and fitter is a real focus but it needs to be interesting, and living in a great place down here it’s a matter of getting the balance just right.

Greg added:

Pushing things on from last year we will also look to make things more professional each time we approach a different day.


PhotoCedit: Brian Tempest

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