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Terrific Support for Barbarians Collection

Posted: December 8, 2021
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When the Cornish Pirates recently played Doncaster Knights at home in the RFU Championship, a collection made by members of Bolingey Barbarians raised the fantastic sum of £1072.68

Because of Covid, the Bolingey Barbarians were unable to make their accustomed annual collection last season, so it was great to welcome them back once more.

The visit to Mennaye Field is one always enjoyed by their members, and when confirming the amount raised their Chairman, Roger Mead BEM, expressed due appreciation, commenting:


“Mighty thanks are due the Cornish Pirates and the club’s wonderful supporters.

“The generosity shown was greatly appreciated, as were the many kind words expressed to our boys as we collected. So many took the time to say well done for all the great work the Barbarians do for children’s charities in Cornwall.

“£1072.68 was an amazing total to collect, which will again go to help so many of the county’s less fortunate children.”


Roger added:

“On behalf of the Bolingey Barbarians, the opportunity is also taken to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a safe and successful New Year.”

Bolingey Barbarians are pictured at the Mennaye Field, happy to be back and ready to make their collection.


Bolingey Barbarians – a brief history:

Bolingey Barbarians were formed in March 1993 following an ad-hoc match that had been played between the Bolingey Inn and Perranporth RFC to raise money for Children’s Charities. As the match had been so successful it was agreed to form a club and register with the Cornwall RFU. Players can only be invited to play for the club and are mainly selected from Cornish clubs.

The first match, as Bolingey Barbarians, was played against the then past Cornwall RFC Merit Table holders Newquay 1st XV. Many an ex-county player was seen gracing the turf at Ponsmere Valley, Perranporth, where all matches are played. For the first few seasons, fixtures were made with senior, junior, and veteran teams, but with the advent of the league system player availability became more difficult and the club is now exclusively veteran!

At the end of the match players and spectators all retire to the Bolingey Inn where the old traditions of post-match rugby take place. An excellent meal is served which, along with other nourishment, fortifies the renowned singing. It is often during these sessions that monies are raised (and tens of thousands of pounds have been), by different means, for selected Children’s Charities in Cornwall.

For more information, please visit www.bolingey-barbarians.co.uk