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Jersenys w. An Vorladron Gernewek
Udnweth arta an gewer o grysyl rag an fytt ma gans glaw ha gwyns crev. An Vorladrom a worras warbarth nebes movyansow omsettya da y’n kensa ugans mynysen, mes an defens Jersenys a synjas fast ha naha An Vorladron scor. Tabm ha tabm, Jersenys a ynkressyas an gwask mes kepar ha Jensenys, defens an Vorladron a hedhas keniver omsettyans, y’ga mesk niver a omdowlow lewya. Orth an poynt hanter-our war an clock an scor o whath 0-0, mes ena An Vorladron a ve dysquedhys carten velyn, hag y’n skyrmys a sewyas, An Vorladron a ve herdhys a-dhelergh ha’n breusydh a bewashas assay spal dhe Jersenys ha ganso ken carten velyn. An Vorladron a dhefendyas yn ta, mes gans an diwettha gwary kens hanter termyn hag yndadn meur a wask, an breusydh a ros nessa assay spal dhe Jersenys – hag a’n treja carten velyn dhe’n Vorladron dhe wul an scor orth hanter-termen, 14-0.
Y hevely dell via meur a broblebmow rag An Vorladron orth dalleth an nessa hanter der an cartednow melyn ma, mes res o bos gormola res dhe’n Vorladron, pan wrussons y woja pymp mynysen, batalyas aga fordh y’n 22 Jersenys, y a settyas yn le omdowl lewya may whrug, del hevely, keniver keynwas a omjunyas, ha scorya assay antreylyes – 14-5. Yth esa An Vorladron lebmyn ow quary yn ta ha gans Will Crane ow quaynya tir, Carwyn Penny a drehedhas an linen dhe scorya aga nessa assay. Avel an attent treylyans rag an kensa assay, an gwyns o re grev rag Arwel Robson. Byttegyns lebmyn gans an score 14-10, yth esa gweytyans y whrussa dos lebmyn an treja assay rag An Vorladron, mes Jersenys a dhefendyas yn ta ha despit carten velyn war aga fydn, ny alja An Vorladron scorya. Y’n lacka prys y’n diwettha nebes mynysednow, an mordid a dreylyas, ha Jersenys a omsettyas yn crev, ha del wrussens y y’n kensa hanter, y a herdhyas an Vorladron a-dhelergh gans an sewyans a gen assay spal ha pejwora carten velyn rag An Vorladron. Nyns esa scor pella ha’n gam a worfednas, Jersenys 21, An Vorladron Gernewek 10. Kynth o dre vras, gam pur dydn, peder carten velyn rag An Vorladron ny wrug aga gweres.
Jersey v. The Cornish Pirates
Once again the weather was atrocious for this match with rain and a strong wind. The Pirates put together some good attacking moves in the first twenty minutes, but the Jersey defence held firm and denied The Pirates a score. Gradually, Jersey applied the pressure, but like Jersey, The Pirates’ defence stopped every attack, amongst them a number of driving mauls. At the half-hour point on the clock the score was still 0-0, but then The Pirates were shown a yellow card, and in the scrum which followed, The Pirates were pushed back and the referee awarded Jersey a penalty try and with it another yellow card. The Pirates defended well, but with the last play before half-time and under a lot of pressure, the referee gave a second penalty try to Jersey – and the third yellow card to the Pirates to make the score at half-time, 14-0.
It seemed that there would be a lot of problems for The Pirates at the start of the second half through these yellow cards, but praise must be given to the Pirates, when after five minutes they fought their way into the Jersey 22 and in setting up a driving maul in which, it seemed, all the backs joined, they scored an unconverted try – 14-5. The Pirates were now playing well and with Will Crane gaining ground, Carwen Penny reached the line and scored their second try. Like the first conversion attempt, the wind was too strong for Arwel Robson. However, with the score now at 14-10, there was hope that the third try would now come for the Pirates, but Jersey defended well and despite a yellow card against them, The Pirates could not score. Unfortunately in the last few minutes, the tide turned, and Jersey attacked strongly, and as they had done in the first half, they pushed The Pirates back resulting in another penalty try and a fourth yellow card for the Pirates. There was no further score and the game finished, Jersey 21, The Cornish Pirates 10. Although it was by and large, a very tight game, four yellow cards for the Pirates did not help them.