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Rod’s Cornish Match Report – Hartpury (H)

Posted: March 21, 2022
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An Vorladron Gernewek w. Hartpury

Gwyns crev nag o cuv dhe’n dhew bara ha cawsya niver a gabmwriansow y’n gam ma – an pyth a ledyas dhe dhew po try assay dhe’n lyha. Yth o dalleth drog dhe’n Vorladron pan wrug Hartpury scorya assay treylyes y’n 5es mynysen, mes y’n 10ves mynysen Tom Channon a scoryas yn udn sewya cachya ha lewya sewen y’n gornel vord scorya coth. Nyns o Arwel Robson sewen gans an attent treylyans – 5-7. Pymp mynysen woja hebma spyrysyon an scoodhyoryon a ve sevys pan wrug Tom Duncan scorya assay treylyes dhe ry dhe’n Vorladron an led 12-7. Byttegyns ny wrussons y gwitha an led ma pell drefen Hartpury dhe scorya aga nessa assay yn udn sewya omdowl lewya crev, hag yth esa gweth dhe dhos pan wrug Hartpury ystydna aga led y’n 24ves mynysen gans ken assay andreylyes dhe dhry an scor dhe 12-19. Yth esa An Vorladron ow cul niver a gabmwriansow, an pyth a wre Hartpury ow sesya dh’aga frow, mes kyn whrussons y omsettya war an linen yn crev bys yn hanter-termyn, An Vorladron a alja gwitha aga linen dien, hag ytho an scorya a remaynyas orth 12-19.

Yth esa ober dhe wul gans An Vorladron y’n nessa hanter mar mydnens y sylwel an gam – ha’ga covath anfethys orth an Mennaye an seson ma, ha ny wrussons y tolla naneyl, drefen y’n 47ves mynysen Tom Channon a scoryas y nessa assay, treylyes gans Robson, dhe wul an scoryow egwal, 19-19. Ena namoy es 8 po 9 mynysen woja hebma, Tom Duncan a dremenas an linen dhe ry dhe’n Vorladron an assay poynt mas. Kynth o an attent treylyans ansewen, yth esa an Vorladron lebmyn y’n led 24-19. Hartpury a dhallathas yncressya an gwask ha dos pur ogas dhe scorya, mes yth esa an Vorladron ow corra warbarth omsettyansow aga honen ynwedh hag y fe prederys dell wrussens y scorya mes herwydh an breusydh, an bel a ve synsys ‘badn. Byttegyns, y’n 74ves mynysen yn udn sewya ken movyans pur uskys ha gallojek, Tom Kessel a dhelivras pel hir dhe’n Callum Sirker anverkys, neb a scoryas y’n gornel. Robson o sewen gans an treylyans pur gales dhyworth an linen duch. Hartpury a vatalyas rag aga feswara assay, ha woja meur a wask ha diw garten velyn yn rew warbydn an Vorladron, y a scoryas gans gwary diwettha. Scor finel: An Vorladron Gernewek 31, Hartpury 24.

The Cornish Pirates v. Hartpury

A strong wind which wasn’t kind to either side caused a number of mistakes in this game – which led to two or three tries at least. It was a bad start for the Pirates when Hartpury scored a converted try in the 5th minute, but in the 10th, Tom Channon scored following a successful catch-and-drive in the old scoreboard corner. Arwel Robson was not successful with the conversion attempt- 5-7. Five minutes later the supporters’ spirits were raised when Tom Duncan scored a converted try to give the Pirates the lead 12-7. However, they did not keep the lead for long as Hartpury scored their second try following a strong driving maul, and there was worse to come when they extended their lead in the 24th minute with an unconverted try to bring the score to 12-19. The Pirates were making a number of mistakes, which Hartpury were seizing to their advantage, but although they strongly attacked the line right up to half-time, The Pirates kept their line intact, and so the score remained at 12-19.

There was work to do in the second half for the Pirates if they wanted to save this game – and their unbeaten record this season at the Mennaye, and they did not disappoint either, for in the 47th minute Tom Channon scored his second try, converted by Robson, to make the scores level, 19-19. Then no more than 8 or 9 minutes later, Tom Duncan crossed the line to give the Pirates the bonus point. Although the conversion attempt was unsuccessful, the Pirates were now in the lead 24-19. Hartpury started to increase the pressure and came very close to scoring, but the Pirates were also putting together their own attacks and it was thought that they had scored, but according to the referee, the ball was held up. However, in the 74th minute following a fast and powerful move, Tom Kessel delivered a long ball to the unmarked Callum Sirker who scored in the corner. Robson was successful with the very difficult touch-line conversion. Hartpury fought for their fourth try, and after a lot of pressure and two consecutive yellow cards against the Pirates, they scored with the final play. Final score: The Cornish Pirates 31, Hartpury 24.