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Rod’s Cornish Match Report – Ealing (H)

Posted: December 5, 2022
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An Vorladron Gernewek w. Ealing

Dohajedh yeyn mes segh a dhynerhis an dhew para hag y ow ponya war an park rag an fytt posek ma. Woja an pajer gwayn gans poynt mas in rew rag An Vorladron y’ga diwettha pajer gam, yth esa gwaytyans uhel rag pempes androwyth. Ealing a dhallathas yn ta, mes pub omsettyans gwres gansans a ve hedhys gans An Vorladron. Tabm ha tabm byttegyns An Vorladron a waynyas tir ha woja mortholya an linen Ealing heb let, y a scoryas an kensa assay. Attent treylyans Arwel Robson y’n lacka pres, a gronkyas warbydn an peul. Ealing a encressyas an gwask ha dell hevely aga bos certan dhe scorya, A.J.Cant a gontrewaytyas delivras ogas ha war an linen hag yn scon delivra an bel dhe Tommy Wyatt, neb, woja goheles dalhen a dhew warior Ealing, a bonyas hes an park dhe scorya yndadn an peulyow dh’y wul 12-0. An hanter a besyas gans an dhew bara owth omsettya yn crev, mes yth o an Vorladron neb a gavas an gwella chons dhe scorya pan wrussons y gwary agwedh woja agwedh war an linen Ealing, mes war an deweth y a gollas an chons dre ry dhe ves spal. Hanter termyn, 12-0

Yth esa gwaytyans lebmyn dell wrussa An Vorladron scorya copel a assayow moy y’n nessa hanter dhe gavas gwayn pur bosek. Kynth o an kensa scor a dheth dhe Ealing der assay andreylyas woja 48 mynysen, An Vorladron a gavas chons cooth nebes mynsednow a’y woja pan wrussons y dalleth omdowl rolya hag esa owth avonsya troha’n line Ealing toth men, mes rag neb acheson, Will Crane a omdhelivras an omdowl gans an bel, whegh po seyth meter kens an linen, mes fyllel scorya. Hedn o chons meur kellys dhe scorya treja assay. Ena yn mynysen 60, An Vorladron a ve dysquedhys carten velyn, sewyes a’dhystow’ gans assay nessa assay Ealing. Remenant an hanter lebmyn a longyas dhe Ealing. An Vorladron a welas diw garten velyn moy, gans Ealing ow kemeres an led rag an kensa tro y’n fytt dre pot spal dhe dhry an score 12-15. Yth esa chons whath dhe’n Vorladron sylwel an gam, mes an diwettha teyr mynysen o terros rag An Vorladron drefen Ealing dhe scorya dew assay dhe selya gwayn poynt mas. Scor finel, An Vorladron Gernewek 12, Ealing 25.

The Cornish Pirates v. Ealing

A cold but dry afternoon greeted the two teams as they ran on to the field for this important match. After four bonus point wins on the trot for The Pirates in their last four games, hopes were high for a fifth this afternoon. Ealing started well, but every attack they made was halted by The Pirates. Gradually however, The Pirates gained ground and after ceaselessly hammering the Ealing line, they scored the first try. Unfortunately Arwel Robson’s conversion attempt hit the post. Ealing increased the pressure and just as it seemed they would certainly score, A.J.Cant intercepted a pass almost on the line and quickly passing the ball to Tommy Wyatt, who, after avoiding the tackle of Ealing players, ran the length of the field to score under the posts to make it 12-0. The half continued with both teams attacking strongly, but it was The Pirates who had the best chance to score when they played phase after phase on the Ealing line, but in the end they lost the chance by giving away a penalty. Half-time, 12-0.

There were hopes now That the Pirates would score a couple more tries in the second half to get a very important win. Although the first score fell to Ealing via an unconverted try in the 48th. minute, The Pirates had an excellent chance a few minutes after when they started a rolling maul which approached the Ealing line a full speed, but for some reason, Will Crane broke free of the maul with the ball, six or seven metres short of the line, but failed to score. This was a great chance lost to score the third try. Then in the 60th minute, The Pirates were shown a yellow card, followed right away with Ealing’s second try. The remainder of the half now belonged to Ealing. The Pirates got two more yellow cards, with Ealing taking the lead for the first time in the match with a penalty kick to bring the score to 12-15. There was still a chance for The Pirates to save the game, but the last three minutes were a disaster for The Pirates as Ealing scored two tries to seal a bonus point win. Final score, The Cornish Pirates 12, Ealing 25.