With Cornwall For Cornwall
Gans Kernow Rag Kernow
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Following a lengthy application and negotiation process with Sport England, Cornish Pirates are delighted to report that we will be taking our place in the Championship 2020/21 season, due to start on 6th March 2021.
This has been a very long road and not one without its challenges. There are still a few finer details to iron out but I am extremely pleased that with the support of Sport England we seem able to overcome them for our staff, players and supporters. As you may have seen reported, unfortunately grant applications were rejected and so this leaves Clubs to face the huge Covid related costs of testing, and in our case increased cost of travel, themselves. We anticipate not being able to host supporters for many of the games, if at all, which leaves Clubs with little to no income. The support we have received has been overwhelming and we will be appealing to anyone who is able to help us continue through this process with a contribution towards these costs.
My thanks go to everyone involved, the Board, the players/staff and the supporters, with a special mention of course to Dicky Evans without whom we would not be in the position we have been to ride out the storm.
We are looking forward to bringing rugby back after a long 12 months!
Rebecca Thomas, CEO/Finance Director, Cornish Pirates