With Cornwall For Cornwall
Gans Kernow Rag Kernow
All the Latest News & Fixtures...
For supporters of the Cornish Pirates, and others! There are two Christmas bargain opportunities not to be missed. Both will make ideal presents for many!
This Christmas six-pack offer provides 6 x tickets for a total cost of £66 only, covering home Championship games against Jersey Reds – Sunday 31th December, Yorkshire Carnegie – Sunday 11th February, Doncaster Knights – Sunday 4th March, London Scottish – Sunday 25th March, Richmond – Sunday 28th April, and Ealing Trailfinders – Saturday 28th April.
To take advantage of this super offer please either see Sue in the ticket office direct, or telephone her on 01736-331961. The ticket office is open Monday to Friday from 9am to 12 noon.
Magazine – Special Offer
The Cornish Pirates 2017-18 magazine is a must for all supporters to have, and with Christmas now on the horizon it will also make an ideal Stocking Filler!
The magazine is available on home match days and from the club’s ticket office at a cost of £3, whilst a special offer price for those requesting it to be sent via the post in the UK is just £4, including packing.