With Cornwall For Cornwall
Gans Kernow Rag Kernow
31 January, 2025
Westholme, Alexandra Road,
Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 4LY
Tel: 01736 331961 Email: [email protected]
Kynth yw Albanyon Loundres dhe woles an vosen ha heb gwyn whath, ny wrug denvyth desevos bos an gam ma onen es. An Vorladron a dhallathas dhe dooth men ha scon yth esa Albanyon ow ry dhe ves spalyow ha woja 3 mynysen yn udnik, An Vorladron a ve pewashes spal a-dherag an peulyow.
With reference to this coming Saturday’s Round 7 RFU Championship league game versus London Scottish (ko 2.30pm), an entertaining contest is expected.
Commencing on Saturday 29th October, when the Cornish Pirates take on London Scottish at the Mennaye Field, Penzance, supporters will have the opportunity to donate food items at all home matches.
Penryn College has announced a 2022/23 training and mentorship-based partnership with professional rugby club the Cornish Pirates.
Woja an gwayn cales warbydn Ampthill diw bednseythen alebma ha pednseythen frank an seythen eus passyes, yth esa govenek y whrussa An Vorladron cavos form rag an fytt ma dhe Coventry.
Following the departure of Assistant Coach Matt Jess at the start of the season, who left the club to take up a position near to his home in Pembrokeshire, the Cornish Pirates can confirm that Murray Westren has been appointed to the role.
Woja collow keyn dhe geyn, gwayn an bennseythen ma o pur bosek – rag an para ha’n scoodhyoryon maga ta. Yth o Ampthill neb a ygoras an scoryans.
All Pirates will be saddened to hear that former player and stalwart official Paul Greaves passed away yesterday. He was aged 76.
For the Cornish Pirates, the first partners event of the season took place at St. Austell Brewery’s ‘Hicks Bar’ and Visitors Centre on Wednesday 5th October.
With reference to this coming Sunday’s Round 5 RFU Championship league game versus Ampthill (ko 2.30pm), another tough contest is expected. Our visitors will arrive on the back of a 59-7 win at home to London Scottish last Saturday, whilst it will also be remembered that they won 20-18 at the Mennaye Field two seasons ago and drew 28-all on their last visit in April this year.
Udnweth arta an gewer o grysyl rag an fytt ma gans glaw ha gwyns crev. An Vorladrom a worras warbarth nebes movyansow omsettya da y’n kensa ugans mynysen, mes an defens Jersenys a synjas fast ha naha An Vorladron scor.