With Cornwall For Cornwall
Gans Kernow Rag Kernow
25 January, 2025
Westholme, Alexandra Road,
Penzance, Cornwall, TR18 4LY
Tel: 01736 331961 Email: [email protected]
This Saturday will see the Cornish Pirates play their opening game in 2023. To be played versus Doncaster Knights at the Mennaye Field, the fixture is the one that was postponed just before Christmas because of wet pitch conditions.
The Cornish Pirates have very much welcomed the opportunity to partner this season with Kernow Resilience Hub (KRH), which is based at Pool, Redruth.
Woja an dyswaytyans a’n seythen eus passes, yth esa edhom a wayn an bennseythen ma dhe dhalleth crambla yn-badn an vosen. Gromercy dhe’n vodhogyon ha scoodhyoryon an Varghvryny a glerhe an park a ergh hag a godhas dres cres an mettinweyth.
Appreciating the opportunity to hold a match day collection when the Cornish Pirates recently played Ealing Trailfinders at the Mennaye Field, the sum of of £569-39 was raised in support of the Veterans Charity.
Dohajedh yeyn mes segh a dhynerhis an dhew para hag y ow ponya war an park rag an fytt posek ma. Woja an pajer gwayn gans poynt mas in rew rag An Vorladron y’ga diwettha pajer gam, yth esa gwaytyans uhel rag pempes androwyth.
With reference to this coming Saturday’s return to league action with a seventh versus first clash in the RFU Championship (ko 2.30pm), please note the following:
Following on from the recent partnership announcement with Growing Links the Cornish Pirates are pleased to announce the ‘reverse advent initiative’ that will be running through December.
Keniver onan a wodhya y fia Ampthill ow strivya rag venjans woja aga fethans y’n diwettha gwary an gam mis alebma. Hag yndella y provis y vos. Ampthill a omsettyas dhyworth an dalleth hag yn despit dhe’n Vorladron ow ry dhe ves dew spal y’n kensa diw vynysen, ny aljens y scorya.
With reference to this coming Sunday’s Round 3 game in the Championship Cup versus Ampthill (ko 2.30pm), please note the following:
Well, perhaps of no surprise ahead of Hall for Cornwall’s headline Christmas Show, the Cornish Pirates have teamed up with the cast of Treasure Island to promote what promises to be an event not to be missed.
Hebma o an kensa fyt treeth an dhew bara ma hag yn udn sewya gwayn Caldy warbydn Ampthill an seythen eus passyes, gam cales a ve desevys. Ynwedh rag an gam ma, yth esa Will Trewin ow cul y gensa omdhysquedhyans yn crys Morladron.
Rag an kensa rond an Hanaf Campyorieth, an dhew bara a wrug niver meur a janjyow – An Vorladron gans naw anodhans ha Richmond yn gwir gans para nowydh dhe hedna a waryas an seythen kens warbydn Bedford.
Supporters of the Cornish Pirates form a generous group of people, as was once again the case when a match day collection was held at the recent home game versus London Scottish in support of the Royal British Legion.
Kynth yw Albanyon Loundres dhe woles an vosen ha heb gwyn whath, ny wrug denvyth desevos bos an gam ma onen es. An Vorladron a dhallathas dhe dooth men ha scon yth esa Albanyon ow ry dhe ves spalyow ha woja 3 mynysen yn udnik, An Vorladron a ve pewashes spal a-dherag an peulyow.
With reference to this coming Saturday’s Round 7 RFU Championship league game versus London Scottish (ko 2.30pm), an entertaining contest is expected.
Commencing on Saturday 29th October, when the Cornish Pirates take on London Scottish at the Mennaye Field, Penzance, supporters will have the opportunity to donate food items at all home matches.
Penryn College has announced a 2022/23 training and mentorship-based partnership with professional rugby club the Cornish Pirates.
Woja an gwayn cales warbydn Ampthill diw bednseythen alebma ha pednseythen frank an seythen eus passyes, yth esa govenek y whrussa An Vorladron cavos form rag an fytt ma dhe Coventry.
Following the departure of Assistant Coach Matt Jess at the start of the season, who left the club to take up a position near to his home in Pembrokeshire, the Cornish Pirates can confirm that Murray Westren has been appointed to the role.
Woja collow keyn dhe geyn, gwayn an bennseythen ma o pur bosek – rag an para ha’n scoodhyoryon maga ta. Yth o Ampthill neb a ygoras an scoryans.